Lesson Materials for Students
Questionnaire for students
At the beginning and at the end of the week abroad.
(Possible answers: “I totally disagree”, “I disagree”, “I agree”, “I totally agree”,)
Introductory sentence: “As you are involved in working on the project “Fit for E-commerce” during this week we would like you to answer some questions on your attitudes towards this subject before and after this week to see changes while being involved.”
I think e-commerce is important for my future work life
I think this training course on e-commerce is important for my future work life
I think this special subject of this week is important for my future work life.
I see a benefit for me in working on this subject.
I see a benefit for me in working on this subject in a team for my personal development
I see a benefit for me in working on this subject in an international team for my personal development
I have enough knowledge in the field of E-commerce.
I have enough knowledge in the field of setting up an online shop.
I have enough knowledge in the field of basic HTML/CSS programming.
I have enough knowledge in the field of internet marketing.
I enjoy working in a team.
I enjoy working in international teams.
I am confident in using English in international teams
I personally enjoy dealing with this subject.
Additional questions for evaluation after the course week:
The training material is well structured.
The training material is useful.
The training material is useful for working independently on the subject.
I am satisfied with the outcome of this week.
“Thank you for answering the questions.”
Setting up an Onlineshop
Login - Frontend
Open the following link: http://www.qqq.de/shops/shopX (X = number of your group)
Authentication: To log in enter the following (the appearance of the window can be different depending on the browser used)
Login - Backend
Same steps as for Login - Frontend (see above)
Open the following link:: http://www.qqq.de/shops/shopX/admin123 (X = number of your group)
Authentication: To log in enter the following:
Find the official documentation of Prestashop here: http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS17/User+Guide
Youtube: Numerous video instructions can be found on Youtube: Search for „Prestashop 1.7“
Change settings
Change contact information
Change Banking information for your online shop
Add new employees (one for every group member!) (See Advanced Parameters)
Change the following settings: terms and conditions, delivery, About us, secure payment [Design -> Pages]
Offer UPS und DHL as shipping options and change shipping rates accordingly
Change design of your shop
redesign and restructure your home page
create your own individual logo and use it in your online shop [Design -> Theme & Logo]
Categories and products
Delete old products and categories.
Add at least 10 products to your shop
Note: a meaningful description of your products helps selling them (Remember: Search Engine Optimisation)
Operate the online shop
Visit the online shop of another group
Place 3 orders in the online shop of the other group
Process the incoming orders in your own online shop:
payment processing
print delivery notes
print invoices
=> until „processed successfully“
How many female and male customers are registered?
Who was the best customer in your shop?
Which products are bestsellers?
Which category was the most successful?
For the fast ones:
Find a free of charge prestashop-theme und install it!
Last updated
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